Girly Accessory

While Nati is cute enough without accessories, I thought I would make a few headbands for her to wear until her hair grows back in.

New Skill

Nati can now control her hands well enough to grasp objects and bring them to her mouth. She enjoys playing on her Baby Neptune floor gym looking up at the octopus with rings to hold on to. She has also started grabbing her shirt and putting it in her mouth leaving a huge slobber ring when she's done.

New Positions

Nati has had enough of viewing the world laying down! She is very strong and can hold her head up all by herself. She just started sitting in her Bumbo chair and loves looking at her fish mirror with the flashing lights.

Such a big girl!

Tummy time on the "I'm a Rock Star" blanket!

Jan 16, 2009 - Vaccinations

Nati had her two month check-up and continues to grow strong and healthy. She is now 10 lbs 14 oz and 23 inches long (long and lean - we really are her parents, I promise!) She had to get three shots which made Mommy cry more than she did. She was a brave little girl and took a long nap to sleep off the pain.

No picture for this post - this is one event I'd rather forget!

Jan 13, 2009 - 2 Months Old

Nati is now two months old and smiling day and night! We wake up each morning and say "Good Mooorning" and Nati gives us the biggest smile and has to turn away because she is so elated to see us! There is no better way to start the day than with a perfect smile from a beautiful baby girl!
This is a video, click on the right arrow below!

We had a wonderful visit with Aunt NanSea and took a spontaneous trip to Santa Cruz to pick up Cousin Mack. We came back to the house and had a wonderful dinner and played a little Wii (Mack is really good at RockBand - NanSea is pretty good too).

With Aunt NanSea and Cousin Mack.

"Aunt NanSea loves me!"

Jan 12, 2009 - Change

While diaper changes use to be a struggle at times, we are delighted to say they are now filled with smiles and happy kicking feet!

Jan 11, 2009 - Go Chargers

Even though the Chargers lost on Sunday, Cielo and Nati supported their team dressed in their Charger gear!

Jan 10, 2009 - All Smiles

Almost 2 months old and Nati is smiling more and more each day - dimples and all! She has yet to master the art of the giggle, but she makes cute little sounds when she smiles.

Jan 3, 2009 - Surprise Visit

Our first day back in Monterey, we got a wonderful surprise visit from Aunt Linda, Uncle Fred, Mason and Miles. Aunt Linda in my mom's best friend since childhood. They brought Nati a giant otter stuffed animal that is bigger than she is. The boys played Wii while the girls chatted about girl stuff! It was a great visit!

Dec 25, 2008 - 1st Christmas

Due to the fact that we were not in Monterey for Christmas, we had to make sure Santa knew where to bring Nati's presents seeing as she was a very good girl this year. We stopped by the mall to talk to one of Santa's helpers. He left some presents at Uncle Mike and Auntie Kim's house where Cousin Peyton was more than happy to help Nati open them. Nati received several gifts from family and friends this holiday season, she is very thankful... and well dressed!

First photo with Santa

So cute in the "My First Christmas" outfit from Nana.

Hangen out with Uncle Pat to help him get out of helping with the dishes.

Sleeping soundly with Grandma Jan.

Peyton helping Nati open her gifts.

Daddy's favorite Christmas gift!

I can't wait for next Christmas!!!

Holidays in San Diego

First Stop - Los Angeles:

Stayed the night at Uncle Ken and Aunt Sookie's house in Topanga. Unfortunately, Aunt Sookie had to leave early for work - tell Mr. Hanks we said Hi!

Made a quick stop in Burbank to visit Uncle Kenny and Auntie Laureen. This house if filled with so much Aloha! Here's to good health in 2009 Uncle Kenny!
On to Temecula:

Peyton could hardly wait to hold her new cousin. She even let Nati use her special butterfly blanket. She is a great cousin and going to be a super big sister come March!

Hangen out with Uncle Mike, Aunti Kim and Cousin Peyton.

Spent the day with the Bunch Family!

Off to Escondido:

Had dinner with Auntie Kate, Auntie Tanya, Auntie Crissy and Auntie... I mean Uncle Denny.

Moving on to Scripps Ranch:

Stopped to see the "Baby Whisperer" Auntie Cecily and her family.

Down to San Diego:

Cousin Brandon was here to play basketball so we met him for lunch.

Spent the evening with Auntie Carlisa and Auntie Shotzy at Hamilton Street.

Dec 13, 2008 - 1 Month Old!

One month and going strong! We had our first pediatrician appointment with Dr. Diallo (I wish we could take her to Hawaii with us). She confirmed that Nati is growing and in perfect health. Nati weighed in at 9 lbs 10 oz and still 21 inches long. I think she gained all her weight in her cheeks!

Dec 6, 2008 - First Bike Rally

Cielo and Zeph rode in a 'Toys for Tots' bike event from Monterey to Moss Landing. We met them at Moss Landing to check out the scene.

"That's my dad on the left!"

Daddy's ladies - all three of us!

We forgot our leathers at home.

Looking Cute!

"Watching Mom & Dad fold laundry."

" Laying in my cozy blankie."

"Kicken back on the Boppy."

Daddy Time

Nati truly loves her daddy! They spend a lot of time hangen out in the rocking chair, cruising in the Baby Bjorn and just chillen on the couch.

Happy to be in daddy's arms!

Sporting the Baby Bjorn!

Talking story

Learning how to...

stick tongue!

Nov 29, 2008 - Holoholo

We took advantage of the beautiful weather and went downtown to Cannery Row to do a little shopping. Manuvering the Bob stroller down the crowded sidewalks took a little more time and patience. Everthing seems to take a little more time and patience these days! We also went to the Butterfly House to see Uncle Jake's butterfly. Nati did great - slept the whole time!

Downtown Cannery Row

Apa & Nana at the Butterfly House

Uncle Jacob's butterfly

Nana getting her "Rockband" on that night!

Nov 27, 2008 - Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was a big day of 'firsts' for Natalie. Starting with the 3am diaper change which revealed her first diaper rash. Mommy learned the hard way what spicy food will do to Nati's system. Later that morning, Nana helped with yet another diaper change to discover her umbilical cord stump had fallen off. She then spent her first Thanksgiving at the Riendeau's house where the food was incredible (Nati got some eventually). The day ended with her first real bath in her pretty pink bathtub. An eventful day for such a little girl.

"My First Thanksgiving" outfit from Uncle Josh and Auntie Lea.

Wardrobe change into "My First Thanksgiving" outfit Daddy bought.

First family Thanksgiving photo.

Mathew giving us a glimps of what's to come.

Finally brought down the entire curtain - mission complete!

Nati loves bath time!