Nati getting a better look at Cousin Jacob!
"We are going to have so much fun together!"
Nati getting a better look at Cousin Jacob!
"We are going to have so much fun together!"
Playing with Uncle Josh!
So proud!
First dip in the pool!
She looks right at home in the water!
She loved her new floaty!
Manono Almanzas
So cute in their hats!
A perfect way to end the day!
Fun with Apa!
Can never have enough Apa kisses!
"Love my Uncle Josh!"
"My Auntie Lea has the most beautiful voice!"
And even more kisses from Apa!
"Hangen out with my Aunties... and Cousin Jake!"
All eyes on Makani!
A trip to the park with Misa and the kids!
All the cousins!
It was hard saying good-bye to Grandma, but we know we will see her soon and Skype every weekend! "See you soon Grandma... I love you"
At five months old, Nati is ready to try something new. Auntie Lori's next door neighbor Emily let us try her Jolly Jumper. As you can see... Nati loved this new activity!
Bunny ears from the Easter Bunny!
All dressed in her Easter best!
Beautiful big brown eyes!
Sitting up all by herself!
Sharing eggs with Cousin Peyton!
Quality time with Uncle Pat!