Work, Work, Work!

My first day back to work was February 16th, which is why this blog has not been updated since Valentine's Day. I am working part time from home, taking the entire day to get four hours of work in while Nati sleeps. Trying to balance work and spending quality time with her has proven to be more difficult than I thought, but we are making it work!

Daddy has also been busy working on this thesis for his Master's. He graduates March 27th with a Master's of Science and Operation's Research. He has also been nominated for an award for the impact his thesis could have on the Navy. We are very proud of his dedication and hard work (I hope Nati got his smarts).

Nati is growing and changing every day! She is starting to laugh on her own (without us trying to tickle her). The other day, we came back from a long walk and Nati all-of-the-sudden busted out in a real belly laugh while watching her daddy put away her stroller. We have been trying to recreate the event to get her to laugh, but no luck. It was the cutest sound, I can't wait to hear it again!

She has also taken to a certain cuddle her Nana gave her for Christmas. She holds it while she relaxes at night. It's the perfect size, easy for her to cuddle.

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